Augustine E. N.

02/2015 - present

Software Engineer (Freelance) Lagos, Nigeria.

Built various software applications for using Python for RESTful API and PostgreSQL for persistence and on
the frontend Javascript, HTML5 and CSS. Proficient in a Unix/Linux environment.
06/2014 - 06/2015

Software Engineer - UDCreate. Lagos, Nigeria

Worked on the frontend/UI of the following applications:
● A specialized laundry and dry cleaning pick-up and delivery service which automates the daily operations
of the clients dry cleaning business. The web application tracks bookings made by clients, it optimizes
costs, and it assists the accounting department in preparing projections and efficiently measuring.
revenue. The UI was built using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and vanilla JavaScript.
● Built a bespoke website for a consulting firm which has a professional yet welcoming design and at the
time, aligns with the company's corporate vision. My role involved translating the design to code
using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and JavaScript.


Departmental Course Repository -

● Built an app that helps students search for relevant study materials (Docs, PDFs).
● Designed a RESTful backend to store, search and display documents using Python, Flask web
framework and PostgreSQL database.
● Integrated Google Drive with Python backend.
● Used Git/Github for version control, deployed application to the cloud using Heroku cloud services.

Budgeting App -

● Built a budget app to help manage expenses.
● Designed RESTful backend to store, compute and display expenses using Python, PostgreSQL
database and Flask web framework.
● Implemented user authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
● Used Git/Github for version control, deployed application to Heroku cloud.

Portfolio -

● A portfolio web site to see other personal projects on Web Scraping, Data Analytics and software


2015 - 2020

University Of Lagos

B.Sc. Actuarial Science - (2:1) Second Class Upper (4.0/5.0)

Final Year Project (Thesis) -

See project
Predictive analytics model for determining insurance premium charge
Used multiple linear regression model to predict insurance premium charge. It aims at increasing the efficiency  
of insurance application processes by effectively utilising data. This was built using Python, Numpy, Pandas,
Scipy, Scikit-learn, Stats-model, Matplotlib & Jupyter Notebook.


IBM Predictive Analytics Modeler - Explorer Award 2018
IBM Predictive Analytics Modeler - Master Award 2018


Reading, writing - deep/self journaling, movies, tinkering with Linux terminal commands.